Online learning and teaching methods

 Online learning and teaching methods

Online learning is increasingly influencing both classroom/campus-based teaching but more importantly it is leading to new models or designs for teaching and learning.

Initially, there were two separate influences: designs from classroom teaching; and designs inherited from print-based or multimedia distance education. Over time, though, new designs that fully exploit the unique characteristics of online learning are beginning to emerge. What we do when we move teaching online is to change the learning environment.

The ADDIE model

·        Analyze: identify all the variables that need to be considered when designing the course, such as learner characteristics, learners’ prior knowledge, resources available, etc. This stage is similar to the describing the learning environment outlined in Appendix 1 of this book.


·        Design: this stage focuses on identifying the learning objectives for the course and how materials will be created and designed (for instance, it may include describing what content areas are to be covered and a storyboard outlining what will be covered in text, audio and video and in what order), and deciding on the selection and use of technology, such as an LMS, video or social media;

·        Develop: the creation of content, including whether to develop in-house or outsource, copyright clearance for third party materials, loading of content into a web site or LMS, and so on.


·        Implement: this is the actual delivery of the course, including any prior training or briefing of learner support staff, and student assessment.



·        Evaluate: feedback and data are collected in order to identify areas that require improvement and this feeds into the design, development and implementation of the next iteration of the course.